Welcome to EDIT 760!



My name is Jered Borup and I'm excited to be your instructor for this course.  You can learn more about me by visiting this blog post.  Before we get started on the Module 1, there are just a few things that you need to do to become oriented to the course.  

What is the topic of this course? 

For most of you, this is the first course you are taking as part of the Blended and Online Learning in Schools program. For others this is your third semester in the program.  Almost all of you are also taking EDIT 761 this semester.  That's why EDIT 760 runs the first 5 weeks of the semester and EDIT 761 starts on week 6. Most of you will also be taking EDIT 764 that runs the full length of the semester.

This semester is a little different from other semesters in that we will focus primarily on building understanding whereas other semesters we focus on developing materials for our students. Specifically EDIT 760 will focus largely on fully-online courses and EDIT 761 will focus largely on courses that blend online and traditional learning. 

What are the course projects and policies? 

First, read through the embedded Google presentation below. This presentation will actually introduce you to all three courses that you will be taking this semester. 

Second, read the syllabus

After you have read the presentation and syllabus, click on "Module 1" located on the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the window.  

Orientation Presentation