Creating a Private Google Account


We will be using Google Apps throughout this program.  Google has become synonymous with Internet searches--"JustGoogle it."  However, Google provides many more services than just Internet searches.  For instance, when you sign up for a Google account you are given free access to Google Apps, a suite of tools such as Gmail, Google Docs (collaborative online documents), Google Forms (surveying tools), Google Sites (allows you to create websites), and many more.  The video to the right will give you a quick overview of what Google Apps has to offer.  





Collaboration and Cloud Computing

Every Google Account provides you with a Google Drive that allows you to upload and share files.  It also allows you to create new documents using Google Docs.  Google Docs is similar to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel but what makes Google Docs different is cloud computing.  Prior to cloud computing, collaboration on documents was difficult because you had to email documents back and forth.  The video to the right explains how cloud computing works and how it can help you better collaborate on projects. 





Benefits of Google Apps

A growing number of school districts have adopted Google Apps as a way to cut costs without sacrificing the quality of education.  It has been estimated that the switch to Google Apps could save a single school district more than $100,000 a year (citation).  Google Apps and cloud computing also comes with several pedagogical benefits.  In this video teachers and students describe the benefits that they experienced while using Google Apps in a blended learning environment. 






Create a Personal Google Account

Some of you may already have a Google Account that was provided to you by your school disctrict.  The problem with that is most of those accounts don't allow sharing or collaborating with others outside of the school district. As a result you will need to use a personal Google Account for this program.  If you don't already have a personal account you will need to create one by visiting this link.  

I will also need to know the email address that's connected to your personal Google Account.  That will allow me to more easily share information with you using Google Docs.  I created the Google Form* on the right to make it easy for you to submit your email address.


*Google Forms come free with your Google Account.  This video shows you how one teacher has used Google Forms in her class.