What advice do you have for yourself?


Online learning requires a different set of skills than those needed to be successful in a traditional brick-and-mortar setting.  Some of you are experienced online learners and others have never taken an online course.  Regardless of your experience level, it's good to take a step back and think about what it will take for you to be successful.  I highly recommend that you take notes and set goals as you read the resources below.  This is also a good time to set a learning schedule that you can follow this semester.   


The following are helpful resources that describe what it takes to be a successful online learner. 

  • Over the last few years I have asked graduating BOLS students to record a video giving you advice for being successul in the program. These teachers are speaking directly to you and wanted to share a few pointers on how to be successful in this program. When I started, I had them record their videos using VoiceThread but I just recently started them recording on a Flipgrid. I recommend watching at least two videos on the Flipgrid embedded below or linked here and one comment on this VoiceThread.