Module 5 - Sharing what you know


Now that the job posting is off your plate, it's time to prepare your presentation.  Thankfully Ethan sent you some additional directions. The school board had to postpone their monthly meeting but didn't want to wait another month to hear your presentation.  They also wanted to find a way to share your presentation with other interested stakeholders such as school level administrators, teachers, and parents. The solution they came up with was for you to create a screencast recording of your presentation.  Ethan also recently attended a Petcha Kutcha presentation and suggested that you should do a similar presentation.  Looks like you just got volentold to create a Petcha Kutcha screencast.  The problem is that you never even knew that the words "Petcha Kutcha" existed 30 seconds ago.  You're a little confused to say the least.  Thankfully Ethan has sent you some information on creating a Petcha Kutcha.    


Activity 1: Discovering Good PowerPoint Principles 

Activity 2: Planning and Recording Your Presentation